2018-2019 Auditor General Report

WCB Nova Scotia (WCB) has accepted all recommendations from both phases of this performance audit. Implementation of the recommendations has already begun. 

In this section

Overall Response

Phase 1

Recommendations and Responses

Phase 2

Recommendations and Responses
In December 2018, the Office of the Auditor General of Nova Scotia (OAG NS) released the first phase of their audit focused on WCB’s governance and sustainability. Phase 2 was released in May 2019. WCB Nova Scotia accepted all recommendations in Phase 1 and Phase 2. Teams from across the organization have been working to implement them. 

While the reports from both phases provided a number of recommendations for improvement, the OAG also found that the WCB is well governed, on a path to financial sustainability, and that overall the WCB is effectively managing claims for workplace injury and return to work.

In December 2019, we provided an update on our progress of Phase 1 recommendations, which looked at WCBs governance practices and long-term financial sustainability. Work is continuing to address the Phase 2 recommendations, with a focus on our claims and appeal process. 

This section of our website is our hub for the OAG report, and our implementation of all recommendations, which is happening under the oversight of the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee of the Board of Directors.

We will post progress updates, in keeping with our quarterly and annual reports.


WCB Nova Scotia Strategic Plan

WCB Nova Scotia Phase 1 News Release (12/11/2018)

WCB Nova Scotia Phase 2 News Release (05/28/2019)

Nova Scotia’s Office of the Auditor General (OAG) News release (Phase I)

Nova Scotia’s Office of the Auditor General (OAG) News release (Phase II)